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Our Mission
"Leading others to know and be known by Christ."
Our Core Values

Biblical Teaching
At Echo Valley Grace Church you will hear clear, relevant, and encouraging truth from the Bible, God’s Holy Word. Through passionate teaching and authentic experiences, God’s Word will become more than just another book in the world.

Powerful Prayer
Prayer is a lost tool in our world, but we know that God designed it as a powerful way to move in people. Learn and experience true communion with God through powerful, life-changing prayer. Echo Valley Grace Church will commit to praying for you, our country and our world.

Purposeful Worship
Enjoy upbeat, encouraging, and relevant music each weekend at Echo Valley Grace Church. Through song each of us can worship God for all that He has done and what He is still going to do.

Community Focus
Echo Valley Grace Church exists for the local community, both believers and those seeking a hope and reliance in Jesus Christ and not this world. You will find authentic people to connect and build positive relationships with when you visit us!
Intentional Evangelism
We recognize that our world is broken and in need of a Savior. We understand that God sent His one and only son, Jesus Christ, to die on a cross to forgive us of our sins, both past, present and future. We must be intentional in sharing this Good News with the people around us.
Multiplying Disciples
Going to church is a great first step. But discipleship is a lifelong journey and a necessity to spiritual growth and opportunity to be used by God. Echo Valley Grace Church wants to see people saved and actively growing in their relationship with Jesus Christ.
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